
Monday, 19 July 2010

Sayings about sport

From cricket

on a sticky wicket: in a difficult situation on oil easy wicket: in a fortunate situation
play with a straight bet: do something in an honest and straight¬forward way
it's not cricket: it is not the proper or fair way of doing something (cricket is supposed to be the perfect example of the concept of "fair play")
off one's own bat: without help from anyone else

From boxing

saved by the bell: saved from a bad or dangerous situation by a sudden event
on the ropes: in a weak position; close to defeat or failure floored: defeated or confused in an argument or discussion throw in the towel: admit defeat

From horse-racing and riding

first past the post: the winner
to be given free rein: to be allowed to do exactly what one wants, without restrictions
in the saddle: in control (in modern times, the expression "in the driving seat" is often used instead)

From other sports or sport in general

team player: somebody who is good at co-operating with other people in groups
run with the pack: have no individual principles but just blindly
follow the majority
win hands down: win easily
go to the dogs: start to lead an aimless and self-destructive life a safe pair of hands: a reliable person